Michael Paulkovich - Publications

Beyond the Crusades: Christianity's Lies, Laws and Legacy with Foreword by Robert M. Price. American Atheist Press, 2016.
No Meek Messiah. Annapolis: Spillix, 2012.
Two poems in Filling the Void by Jonathan MS Pearce.
Mostly Harmful: 1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Religion. Annapolis: Spillix, September 2020.
Part 4, chapter 20 for The Incompatibility of God and Horrendous Suffering, edited by John W. Loftus (Global Center for Religious Research), January 2021. Available on Amazon
The Holy Bible in a Nut-Shell. (In progress)
Au-dela des Croisades (French translation of Beyond the Crusades to be published.
The Pilt Down Prophet (In progress).
Nonsense on the Mount (In progress).
Engskrit (In progress).
Handbook (In progress).


The American Rationalist:
"Manifest Genocide," The American Rationalist, Nov/Dec 2012.
"Portentous Prophecies," The American Rationalist, Sep/Oct 2013.
No Meek Messiah, Review by Donald R. Burleson, The American Rationalist, Jul/Aug 2013.
"Peaceful Religions of the World" The American Rationalist, Jan/Feb 2014.
"How Religion Poisons Everything" (Book Review), The American Rationalist, Mar/Apr 2014.
"Why Hitchens Matters," The American Rationalist, May/June 2014.
"Bible Quiz," The American Rationalist, July/August 2014.
"Debunking Jesus," The American Rationalist, September/October 2014.
"Scalia's Agenda-Free Agenda," The American Rationalist, November/December 2014.
"Is the Bible True?" The American Rationalist, January/February 2015
"How We Got Here" (Review of The Age of Atheists: How We Have Sought to Live Since the Death of God by Peter Watson. The American Rationalist, May/June 2015
"The Salt of the Earth: Christian oppression of Jews," The American Rationalist, July/August 2015.
"The Logical Fallacies of William Lane Craig," The American Rationalist, January/February 2016.
"Highlights from our Holy Bible," The American Rationalist, March/April 2016.
"What Justifies Slavery?" The American Rationalist, May/June 2016.
"The Library of Alexandria and Other Christian Horrors," The American Rationalist, July/August 2016.
"On Rituals," The American Rationalist, The American Rationalist, September/October 2016.
"The Church is a Sorry Institution," The American Rationalist, November/December 2016.
"Christ Myth Theory: Older than you may realize," The American Rationalist, January/February 2017.
(nothing), Mar/April
"The Childish Lunacy of Christian Belief," The American Rationalist, May/June 2017.
"God, His Love, and Miracles," The American Rationalist, Jul/Aug 1017

Free Inquiry:
"A Tale of Two Tomes," Free Inquiry, Aug/Sep 2012.
"Answer to Stalin," Free Inquiry, April 2013.
"Mystery of the Silent Historians," accepted Free Inquiry, for Jun/Jul 2013, withdrawn by the author.
"The Fable of the Christ," Aug/Sep 2014 Free Inquiry.
"Schooling Some University Professors," Free Inquiry, Feb/Mar 2018.

Humanist Perspectives:
"Christoslovakia: A Thought Experiment," Humanist Perspectives, April 2014.
"Founts, Frauds and Forgeries of Religion," Humanist Perspectives, June 2014.

American Atheist:
"Separation of Armageddon and State," American Atheist, April 2010.
"Writers Contemporary to Jesus," American Atheist, 4th Quarter 2011.
"Bible Bunk and Holy Horrors," American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2012.
"The Gospel Truth," American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2012.
"The Most Saintly First Century Philosopher," American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2012.
"Through the Catholic Encyclopedia with a Red Pen," American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2013.
"The Arrogance of the Clergy," American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2013.
"Letter to a Pastor," American Atheist, 3rd Quarter 2013.
"Wenke's Bible," American Atheist, 4th Quarter 2013.
"Eat At Yahweh's," American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2014.
"Interview with Gospellers," American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2014.
"Recruiting from the Scriptures," American Atheist, 3rd Quarter 2014.
"The Evolution of an Illusion," American Atheist, 4th Quarter 2014.
"The Holy Bible: Forgeries Upon an Original Fiction," American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2015.
"What is Christianity?" American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2015.
"The Cruci-fiction of Jesus," American Atheist, 3rd Quarter 2015.
"Esperanto and Humanism," American Atheist, 4th Quarter 2015.
"What's So Great About Christianity?" American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2016.
"The Jesus Blog," American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2016.
"Is the World 6000 Years Old?" American Atheist, 4th Quarter 2016.
"Balderdash on the Mount"American Atheist, 1st Quarter 2017
"Jesus Blog" #2, American Atheist, 2nd Quarter 2017

On Ken Humphries' JNE site: an introductory article for No Meek Messiah.
On Gilbert Dispaux's Argumenter, French translation of above article.
Answer to Billy Hallowell's Dishonest "Review" of Michael Paulkovich's book HERE.
Reply to Erick Erickson's Dishonest "Book Review" Online.
Answer to Brian Mattson's Dishonest Train Wreck.
The Poorly Researched, Dishonest "Book Review" by Candida Moss and Joel Baden DETAILED ANALYSIS.
Response to Steven Bollinger's "Open Letter" HERE.
Exposing Michael Sherlock's Shoddy Journalism HERE.
Michael Sherlock's ALMOST apology for his libelous article he wrote about my first book: "Not Michael Paulkovich’s Historical Jesus Mistake: The Sloppy Journalism of Jonathan Vankin" HERE.
Twelve Questions for Candida Moss and Joel Baden... and one for Noah Shachtman and Molly Jong-Fast HERE.

Videos by Astronaut Monkey Trainers:
Mostly Harmful press release, Sep 2020 Short video
Mostly Harmful press release, Sep 2020 Longer video
Reviews of Mostly Harmful, Nov 2020 2 minute video
Reviews of No Meek Messiah 2-1/2 minute video
Mostly Harmful Press Release (short, 1:24)
Mostly Harmful Chapter 1 (overview), 8 minutes
Mostly Harmful Chapter 1 (revised)
Mostly Harmful Chapter 1 w/ cover of Song of the Wind
Mostly Harmful Chapter 1 w/ cover of Faure, Pavane
Beyond the Crusades 11 minute video
Beyond the Crusades same video with some reviews
"Is Prayer Blasphemy" Video
"The Rifleman" Video
"Was Jesus Smarter than a Fifth Grader (1) Video
"Was Jesus Smarter than a Fifth Grader (2) Video
"Was Jesus Smarter than a Fifth Grader (3) Video
Regarding a dishonest review of No Meek Messiah - Candida Moss and Joel Baden EXPOSED (25 min)
Shorter (8 minute) response to the poorly-researched and error-riddled article by Candida Moss and Joel Baden HERE
Regarding a dishonest YouTube review of No Meek Messiah - Lyin' Brian Mattson EXPOSED
And: #2 announcement
Exposing Brian Mattson HERE and HERE and HERE and SUPPLEMENTAL

"Melodic Telephone Ringer," Popular Electronics, with Rickey Chapman, Nov. 1981.
"Ada Overhead Reconsidered" ACM SIGada Ada Letters, Vol XIII, Issue 3 (May/June 1993).
"Love's Longer Longing" (poem), Awarded First Place, Washington Post, January 30, 1994.
"Could the Twin Towers have been saved?" J. Applied Fire Science, Vol 13(4), 2004-2005.
"The abundances of constituents of Titan's atmosphere from the GCMS instrument on the Huygens probe," co-author, Nature, 8 Dec 2005.

Honors and Awards:
Goddard Outstanding Performance in Engineering Award, NASA, August 1995.
Goddard Outstanding Performance in Engineering Group Award, July 2004.
NASA Group Achievement Award, 2005.
"One NASA" Peer Award, 2006.
